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D’Une Main L’Autre,

Ceramic & Food Route

A film by Gilles Coudert


Year of production: 2023

Duration: 17 min.

French version


This film presents a collaboration around cooking and ceramics: Marc Brétillot, culinary designer and Marcela Paz, ceramist. This unique encounter features a dialogue between two creators who work together to define a container and content based on local materials. The film is presented on the occasion of the exhibition “D’Une Main L’Autre” at Arcades, Design à la Campagne at the Château de Sainte-Colombe as part of the launch of France Design Week 2023.


A co-production after production / September 14 + Extreme Miaaam on the initiative of IDE International Design Expedition as part of the Ceramic & Food Routes program.


© a.p.r.e.s production / 14 Septembre + Extrême Miaaam


Design, Exhibition, Prod (eng)

14 Septembre, Arcade design à la campagne, Gilles Coudert, International Design Expeditions, Marc Brétillot, Marcela Paz