DVD Works & Process : Kimsooja

Public price: 20,00 €   With the sponsorship of Département du Val-de-Marne, MAC/VAL, Musée d’art contemporain and MUDAM Luxembourg – Musée d’art moderne Grand-Duc Jean.   This DVD is dedicated to the work of...

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DVD Works & Process : Tadashi Kawamata

Public price: 20,00 €   Various documentary approaches of Tadashi Kawamata's works together with unreleased films produced by the artist (A 5 hours program, 2 DVD).   DVD 1 01 - Work in progress (2005...

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DVD Works & Process : Fabrice Hyber

Public price: 20,00 € Only in French!   This DVD offers different documentary approaches to the work of Fabrice Hyber, “pofs” and an original video work in “odorama” designed for this DVD (5...

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DVD-BOOK: Kimsooja / To Breathe, Centre Pompidou-Metz

Public price: 20,00 €   A co-publishing a.p.r.e.s éditions / Centre Pompidou-Metz.   Korean artist Kimsooja has transfigured the Centre Pompidou-Metz space with her exhibit To Breathe, part of the France-Korea year. Glazed surfaces...

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DVD-Book: Tadashi Kawamata / Scheiterturm

Public price: 18,00 € (French / German)   With the partnership of Kunstmuseum Thurgau, Lartause Ittigen, Suisse.   Tadashi Kawamata a répondu à l’invitation du Kunstmuseum Thurgau situé au cœur de l’ancienne Chartreuse d’Ittingen en...

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